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Being Highly Creative – Our Superpower

At the dawn of a new era, the gift of being highly creative - one that we all possess inherently - is a blessing. It can help us as we are confronted with unprecedented challenges to create a new paradigm for a new world


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Video über Hochkreativität

In diesem Experten-Interview (ca 25 min) mit Dr. Karin Joder und Tessa Richter, MA, geht es um das Thema Hochkreativität. Hochkreativität ist eine ausgeprägte Fähigkeit, divergent zu denken und auf unkonventionelle neue Weise Probleme zu lösen. Hochkreativität basiert auf einer anders arbeitenden neuronalen Aktivität und stärkeren komplexeren Wahrnehmung der Umwelt. Hochkreativität ist daher eng verbunden mit Hochbegabung und Neurodiversität. In diesem Video gibt Tessa Richter Einblicke in ihre Sicht der Hochkreativität und in ihre Arbeit als Coach, Künstlerin, Autorin und Musikerin. Tessa Richter veröffentlicht demnächt ihr neues Buch zum Thema Hochkreativität. Sie ist erreichbar über und

High Creativity Workshop Series

Channeling my creativity - understanding creative processes, aspects and tools for Highly Creative Persons 

Hochkreativität Workshopreihe Mai 2024

Wie kanalisiere ich meine Kreativität - kreative Prozesse verstehen, Aspekte und Tools für hochkreative Personen

We are all born highly creative

A study done by Nasa in 2020 found that 98% percent of 5-year-old children fall into the "genius category of imagination". This number dropped to 2% for adults. Our current educational system, as well as the predominant skills we are learning in our professional
training, make us totally un-creative.

Our educational system is, of course, based on our view of the world we live in, on hundreds of years of rational science that only looks at what is measurable, material and quantifiable. We have eradicated all that is human out of the equation: nature, spirit, soul, a greater intelligence. Ultimately we have cut ourselves off from our deepest roots as human beings, in trying to create machines that are controllable and predictable.


Being creative is our journey to wholeness. It is reconnecting with those other aspects of ourselves: nature, spirit and soul - and the heart.

Would you like to regain your innate creative genius?
Are you highly gifted, multi-talented or highly creative?

Creativity is not only a unique talent, but also a very special energy at your disposal. I help you channel this energy. From the multitude of possibilities, we find your specific purpose and how it wants to express itself at the current time, based on the following principles:  know yourself – love who you are – create what matters

Diagnosed as highly gifted and, later in life, as highly creative, just about any route was open to me: from becoming a journalist or a medical doctor to a lawyer or a musician. In over 40 years I have learned how to take one step at a time to realise my potential: as a classical professional musician, professional visual artist, as a business owner, spiritual consultant and finally as a career and leadership coach for business people and executives.

Now I use all the skills, experience and knowledge I've gained about creating and the creative process to help highly creative persons or those who wish to learn about the creative force and how express it, to create what matters in life, in business or with regards to health.

I use a wholistic approach, which includes both emotional and practical support, to help you bring your potential into the world. My specialty is showing you how to best use the incredible power of creativity to create a fulfilling and successful life in good health, and experience this force as your direct line to spirit.

Career coaching – Development of your potential – Channelling the highly-creative energy- Finding purpose and meaning- Leading crisis into purpose - Creative healing

Want to explore your creative potential or book an assessment of whether you’re a Highly Creative Person?

Art Coaching - Creativity Training

Expressing who you are in your art, your life and your business


  • You’ve always wanted to paint, set up your own business, but haven’t known how to go about it?


  • You’re onto a (creative) project, and don’t know how to finish it?​



Marika Rosenius, Artist


"Ich war sehr dankbar für das Art Coaching, da du mir geholfen hast, Dinge über mich auf einer tiefen Ebene zu analysieren, besonders warum das Malen so wichtig für mich ist und was ich in meiner Kunst ausdrücken will.

Ich glaube, du hast mir geholfen, mein Ziel zu erreichen und meine Webseite fertig zu stellen, und auch konzentrierter in meiner Kunst zu sein."

Anyone interested in pursuing a creative dream?


"Tessa Richter is an art coach that lives in Richterswil. Coming from a British/Swiss background, she speaks fluent English and German. I  (Dawn Gellner) have been attending art coaching lessons with Tessa and would thoroughly recommend the course to anyone that is interested in pursuing any artistic thing, such as painting, writing, music, or photography. 


Tessa has been invaluable in helping me to identify and define what I want to do artistically and to set clear goals. Being a professional musician and artist herself, she really understands the blocks that all artists face, and has useful tools to overcome them. Through her support and this course, I have been able to come far in my artistic projects. The course has been so motivating and uplifting. Tessa manages to balance emotional and spiritual aspects of creativity with practical knowledge and technical skill. I look forward to it every week!"


Dawn Gellner, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Counsellor

Flying to the moon and beyond –
being a highly creative person in a world that doesn't understand

Flying to the moon and beyond –
being a highly creative person in a world that doesn't understand


Being highly creative is not for the fainthearted. It is definitely a mixed blessing. Confronted with its challenging aspects of rejection, being misunderstood, not belonging, whilst battling your inner deamons of worthlessnness, doubt and inferiority, there seem to be two choices: conform to the norm, and hide this gift away in the depth of oblivion, or express it and be lonely. Either way, you will feel cut off. Cut off from yourself and the incredible potential you carry within you. Or cut off from the rest of the world around you.


So, what is the blessing, you may ask?


Using your creative energy is plugging into the current of the universe, connecting
you to your heart and soul, into dimensions of existence that are mystical, heart warming and fulfilling. Having first experienced these states as a teenager, through listening and practicing music, I learned to label them much later as ecstasy and trance. Both states are more commonly known to be reached through religious or spiritual practice, in shamanism and ancient tribal ceremonies. Or through drugs, both drugs for healing and hallucinatory ones.

These states of consciousness, as I was to find out, are an important aspect of being highly creative. I was traveling through Europe at the young age of 16, and having landed in Amsterdam, was offerd to try some hashish. Here was my chance to explore further what I had already experienced in music. Everybody told me how it made listening to music and dancing, as well as colours, much more intense.When I took it, it was a let down. I felt that what I was able to expereince without was more powerful – perhaps because induced by myself. I told people around me. Nobody heard me. How could they? They had no idea what I was talking about...

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